Cloudthread Y Combinator
November 25, 2022

New Feature: Custom Dashboards

Create and share custom cloud efficiency dashboards with your teams – fit insights to your stakeholder needs.

New feature alert! Cloudthread is launching Custom Dashboards. This is a set of features aimed at more efficient cloud cost insights representation within the platform: create dashboards with a choice of widgets for absolute costs as well as unit metrics, conveniently share them with teams, restrict access as needed. Let your stakeholders have all the important data points at a single place setup to your (FinOps leader's) specifications!

Dashboard Lab allows for visualizing any Cost View or Unit Metric already set up on the platform – this way you can combine data from multiple sources (e.g. AWS and GCP) on one dashboard.

Cloudthread platform has Summary Dashboard as an entry point to the application. It is a convenient high-level overview of the state of cloud cost efficiency within the organization: total absolute spend trends, Top 5 Cost Views and Top 5 Unit Metrics highlighted. We have had great feedback from our customers on it so far. However, there also were a lot of requests to customize the dashboard by adding/removing specific insights, changing chart types, and sharing only with the certain users.

Based on those requests we have introduced Custom Dashboards functionality consisting of Dashboard Lab and Dashboard Library. Similar to the structure of our features on the Cost Transparency and Unit Economics side, the Lab section is a space for dashboard creation, editing and saving, while Library lists all the created (or pre-built) dashboards and allows for quick access.

On the data source side, Dashboard Lab allows for visualizing any Cost View or Unit Metric already set up on the platform – this way you can combine data from multiple sources (e.g. AWS and GCP) on one dashboard. As far as sharing is concerned, the dashboards can be easily shared through convenient URLs, and access can be restricted to the members of a single Team defined on the platform.

More details on the feature and the setup process can be found in our documentation. Please contact us to share your feedback or start using the Custom Dashboards as well as other cloud cost management capabilities Cloudthread platform provides.

Cloudthread Custom Dashboards
Make cloud costs a first class metric for your engineering organization.
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